Sunday, August 7, 2011


Just cause I'm making myself STRONG.

I went to the gym last Saturday despite my lack of sleep because I have a self-proclaimed weekly gym quota. It was rather odd that only a few people were there, my guess was cause the mall was on sale. I was the rose among the thorns, not that it mattered nor hindered me from doing what I normally do. I feel motivated actually whenever I see guys in the gym (not THAT way). I feel empowered because I`m the only girl running and strengthening with the guys, talk about Girl Power, hahaha. It makes me push myself harder. If guys can do it, why can't I? What's stopping me? Nothing. Yeah, NOTHING. If I, the extremely lazy girl, can do it, SO CAN YOU. 

So anyway, I've neither lost nor gained this week, which is a bit of a bummer. I've computed my weight and I still need to lose about 10 more lbs. I should stop obsessing over weight and instead continue my cardio and strengthening workout, my body's shrinking anyway..I'm thinking of doing it 5x instead of 4 but the 5th would be swimming instead of gym..I think that's a good plan so I wouldn't be stuck in a boring gym routine. I shall try that this coming week and update you as soon as the week ends.




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