Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hey, I`m sorta back. I will try to update this as much as I can or whenever internet permits, just like this awesome day.

I`m at my uncle`s house here in San Diego California. Today is a pretty boring day so I`ve decided to rape the computer, upload photos, tumblr, and update this blog.

My US trip so far is fun, exciting, and exhausting at the same time. Exhausting cause of plane rides. I`ve been to pretty and swell places. I`m just too lazy to narrate everything so I`ll summarize my trip so far: San Diego then Tennessee then San Diego then San Francisco then Sacramento then San Francisco then San Diego . We`ll be driving to Vegas this Friday or Saturday then be back here in San Deigo cause we`ll be flying to NYC on the 9th.

I`ll use dad`s ipad later to update this. Bye! 


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