Saturday, August 20, 2011


I just finished my 20 minute exercise cause I had to reach my quota. This week was horrible, lazy, and disappointing. I had my monthly period so I had an awkward time exercising cause of heavy flow..I know, it sounds like a lazy excuse not to move, very disappointing. Despite this, I pushed myself to try so I still worked my ass off not in the gym but inside my condo to catch up on lost gym time, remember 20 minutes is better than 0 minutes. So instead of working out in the gym, I did level one and two of the 30 Day Shred by THE Jillian Michaels. I did it thrice this week plus 35 minutes running on the treadmill. 20 minutes each of level one and two might sound like an easy peasy thing, it`s not, trust me, the exercise not only concentrates on cardio but also incorporates strengthening exercises alternately..this is effective because the exercises use both small and big muscles all at the same time to burn twice as much calories than in a regular exercise. I actually enjoy every single minute of it, it pushes me to my limit and it`s a different take on my exercise routine. The 30 Day Shred is the perfect exercise for me cause it eliminates body fat while toning parts of the body. Speaking of toning, I have stepped it up a notch and am aiming for a toned tummy a.k.a. baby abs. It might seem funny to you, but I am pushing myself even more. A toned body doesn`t come for free so I am trying to be stricter on food intake and my exercise. But I am seriously seeing huge results on my legs and my waist..I've lost about 4 inches off my waist and dropped 8 lbs which is pretty amazing for me..I won`t stop `til I get the body that I am now aiming for. Nothing can stop me from achieving more than what I can do. I`m strong and I`m capable so there`s no turning back. IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU.


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