Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cleanin Out My Closet

My style sucks. Seriously. I don't know how to describe how "baduy" I am. I am always one of two things: 1) Overdressed or 2) Underdressed [more often, under, shame shame shame]. This is a dilemma of mine. I am not exaggerating. What I wear on a daily basis is actually meh. I buy / hoard clothes but I can't seem to make them work for me. I always pick what's comfortable and not what looks good. They say dress to express and not to impress, I guess I'm sending the wrong and oogleh signal. Shameful.

I hate wearing pants specially on a hot, sunny day. I love wearing shorts and a shirt. I love the wind on my short legs. But I still wear pants when needed, like when I go to church, or when I go to drive school, or when I have nothing else to wear for work. I thank God that my 2 favorite jeans are actually comfy, I wanna thank Forever 21 too, haha!

So anyway, point of this post is that I'm gonna dedicate my Sunday [this coming Sunday] to cleaning my closet. From shoes, to bags, to clothes. EVERYTHING. I don't care if I throwaway everything, as long as the good ones stay. Or should I do an Ukay-Ukay again? I wonder if people are gonna be interested to buy my old clothes which are actually okay naman, just not too fancy schmancy, hehehe.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

We Ran Manila 10k

WE DID IT! Babycakes and I finished 10k of the We Run Manila 10k [NikexRunrio] despite being 20 minutes late compared to our original target. Nevertheless, it was breathtaking [pun intended, haha] and unbelievable! It was such an amazing feeling!! I'm super proud of us babe!! More marathons for us :]

Friday, October 7, 2011

Success: Before and After

Nothing great is ever achieved without a few obstacles.

May '11
May '11
May '11
June '11
June '11
August? :p [Zach, Anna, Me, Joanna]
September '11 :]
October '11

I've already lost a total of 15lbs since August..That's 7.5lbs/month. The secret? positive attitude, exercise, and healthy living. I binge but I make up for it by doubling my gym time. 
I need to lose another 10 :]
I feel so proud of myself :]

Taho Bar, Mall of Asia

A fun new way to enjoy TAHOOOOOOOOOO. 

After my driving class in Mall of Asia, the three boys, Mariz, and I had dinner at Gumbo in MOA. Afterwards, we were looking for a light and yummy dessert that we could all enjoy..and we found this TAHO BAR. Their Taho version is interesting. Their Taho is flavored, you can choose between cold or hot, and the best part, their syrup is light. They're kinda cheap too. But if you were to buy this, I suggest you get the small one not unless you are a HUUUUGGGGEEEE fan of Taho. I didn't finish my large order cause I was already full, sayang, no regrets though, lol. The flavors that I ordered were: Maja Blanca, Ube, and Pandan..I liked the combination! :] T'was a fun Taho experience! 
My rate: 4/5 stars :]

Toast Box, Robinsons Place Manila

Two or Three Saturdays ago, I treated myself to a light dinner turned heavy. I was devastated due to unforeseen circumstances that happened earlier that day. So, Dad dropped me off at Robinsons cause I was hungry and he had to go back to the office. I then saw Toastbox. Trivia, Toastbox was established in Singapore in 2005. It started as a small food stall that has grown steadily and has fast expanded to different parts of Asia. So anyway, I went in, scanned the menu, which was very SINGAPOREAN btw. I ordered a French Toast set with eggs, and Teh Tarik [Tea with Milk, just not sure if I used the right term]. I had to add P15 to add ice to my milk tea [that much]. What I enjoyed most about my first time was the the ambiance of Toast Box!! I love the theme, the interior, and the excellent lighting too! I  am also in love with their milk tea [you know, the pulled real thing, not the fad], it's not too sweet, strong, and bland. Theirs is just right :] [I actually like it better than Kopi Roti]. Their French Toast is okay, a bit too oily for me [umay much]. French Toast is normally soaked in Egg and Milk, and should be light; but their version is a bit too..Textured? Heavy for the tummy? I still prefer my homemade French Toast. I haven't tried their Haina Chicken yet, I just hope that it's good compared to Hainanese Chicken wannabes out there, lol. Their Prawn Mee is..WEIRD. I swear! The taste is a mixture of sweet, tangy, and spicy, literally. It was, sad to say, a bit disgusting. But, I suggest you order their Milo Dinosaur, it's fun and yummy!! I'd rate this, overall, a 3/5 stars :] 


I loooooooooooveee FISH..I can eat fish from Monday til Sunday and still be a happy camper! 

 Fried Dory with Mango Salsa
Steamed Salmon with Lemonbutter, Garlic, and Cheese