Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cleanin Out My Closet

My style sucks. Seriously. I don't know how to describe how "baduy" I am. I am always one of two things: 1) Overdressed or 2) Underdressed [more often, under, shame shame shame]. This is a dilemma of mine. I am not exaggerating. What I wear on a daily basis is actually meh. I buy / hoard clothes but I can't seem to make them work for me. I always pick what's comfortable and not what looks good. They say dress to express and not to impress, I guess I'm sending the wrong and oogleh signal. Shameful.

I hate wearing pants specially on a hot, sunny day. I love wearing shorts and a shirt. I love the wind on my short legs. But I still wear pants when needed, like when I go to church, or when I go to drive school, or when I have nothing else to wear for work. I thank God that my 2 favorite jeans are actually comfy, I wanna thank Forever 21 too, haha!

So anyway, point of this post is that I'm gonna dedicate my Sunday [this coming Sunday] to cleaning my closet. From shoes, to bags, to clothes. EVERYTHING. I don't care if I throwaway everything, as long as the good ones stay. Or should I do an Ukay-Ukay again? I wonder if people are gonna be interested to buy my old clothes which are actually okay naman, just not too fancy schmancy, hehehe.


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