I was with my high school girls last last week and we talked about future plans, career, marriage, which I haven`t fully mapped out yet except for travelogues with family and friends which I am looking forward to for the next 2 years of my boring life; note: made us all feel super old. Anyway, while we were talking, I kind of blurted out my sentiments and plans of only bliss and selfishness which is amazingly beneficial for my self/soul growth *evil laugh*. I mean, yeah, Bryan and I have talked about our future together, definitely, but right now, I just want to be filthy rich so I could put up a business, both mma and pastry related, which would generate tons of money for "future" purposes, schooling, and travels to places I would like to go to. Career is so-so.
Thing is, I`m really greedy when it comes to money and the kind of life that I am living. I really am. I work to earn money so I could sustain the kind of lifestyle that I am used to. I honestly still don`t have plans of saving up for "Marriage" or "Family" YET. I want to spoil myself while I`m still, technically, SINGLE [I have a boyfriend, but you know, technically? haha]. Dad spoiled us all and showered us with everything. So I strongly believe that my future son and daughter and `rents would also get used to the lifestyle that I grew up in. Should I thank my dad for the awesome treatment? But "Family Life" is just a big fat blur to me, for now at least. Oh except for the fact that I will return to my dad the awesome treatment that he gave me.
As I was saying, we were talking about what the future has in store for us 4 [Anna, Gigay, Bie, and Myself]. Anna`s focusing on her Shangrila employment dreams coming true and her future tisoy boyfriend, Gigay on working for a 5 star hotel and knowing her so-called purpose, and lecture on contentment, and lastly, Bie on having a boyfriend while interning in a hospital. When it was my turn, I proudly declared my love for Travelling. I have a semi-clear vision in mind of what would make me rich but I want to travel the world. I think I can find contentment after I have pursued my love for travelling. Trust me, I hate flying long hours but when you reach your destination, the trip is always worthwile.
It`s really too early to tell, one thing`s for sure, we would defintely MAKE IT HAPPEN. But for now, I`m keeping my fingers crossed for us 4 for God to give us the strength and willpower, hahahaha.