Sunday, February 6, 2011


I have classified my peers into 6 groups:
1) Dazers
2) MGs
3) Blockmates
4) The Movie Club
5) Batch 85
6) Singapore Loves

We all have different ways of bonding. Like for example, my Movie Club friends made up of Vinni, Rain, Bryan, and myself bond through Movies, Dinner, and Jokes; MGs on the other hand bond through food, dessert, and stories. I have an awesome number of cliques with varied interests. I`m one lucky gal. But, I`m the kind of person who enjoys a stroll at the mall, dinner with friends, movie dates, coffee and stories, in general. I`m not a fan of bar hopping, drinking, and dancing, or whatever you call it. But last night was different.

Us girls at Opus waiting for Felicia and her friends.

Lia GL-ed us at Republiq last night (Thank You Sha Supangan). It was much needed cause I just wanted to unwind from all the stress that I`m getting from work and from my little business. Anyway, Felicia was running a tad bit late so Bie, Anna, Joanna, Bryan, and I chilled and waited for her at Opus. We all ordered this girly drink that goes by the name of Margarita and Bryan drank a bottle of beer. Margarita was so-so. I`d rather order the frozen kind from Friday`s. 

You see, I`m not a HUGE liquor drinker. My friends can drink and take in alcohol like a lot, but not me. I leave all the drinking til you drop to them. I`m more of the support system when they`re drunk and all. I`m fine with that. Also, I hate it when I drink, cause I turn beet red, it`s absolutely embarrassing. I`m proud that I can control what I drink, yes, that`s me, the boring girl of the party.

Lia arrived at around 10-ish. We got inside Republiq at 11? I did not check the time that often cause I wanted to just have clean fun. I totally forgot about how much I loved dancing, hahaha, my best kept secret [no more]. I super had fun time dancing the night away despite the 4 inch heels that I wore that was killing me. We got a table [with no chairs, geez, I danced and stood there simultaneously] with consumable drinks, they ordered a bottle of Cuervo and Bacardi. I had one shot of Bacardi, and they drank til they got super wasted, that part I cannot control. I had to take care of four girls..or make that three cause Barbie got some friendly lovin from Lia`s friend Arlo *Wink*.  But overall, the experience was fun. I got home at around 4 am cause I had to drop Anna and Bie at home first. I woke up 11am already, haha. Super GOOD AND SEXY VIBES. 

cheers to new friends.

let`s make more memories together, i love you girls :)

Oh and BTW, it was the first time that I felt super fashionably awesome! hahaha! My Topshop Harem pants nailed it. haha!
photos c/o Jowa, good thing you brought a cam! haha

...I know that You could use somebody..Someone like me ;)


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