Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 3

Seafood Pasta with Lemon Butter Sauce and Broccoli on the side

I woke up early today and prepared a delicious breakfast for me and my dad. Our breakfast [around 9:30] normally becomes heavy brunch because our next meal time would be around 3 or 4 already because of workload, so that`s about 6-7 hours apart, not healthy. But anyhow, my body have already adjusted to that pattern so no biggie.

I`m on my third day as a Pescatarian, and I`m really enjoying this thing that I`m doing. Pescatarian is a kind of diet wherein you can only consume vegetables and carbs and seafood, basically anything with the exception of meat. I`ve done this before and I lasted for about 2 or 3 months? I can`t remember clearly. I`m doing this to shed off the unwanted lbs that I gained over the holidays. This is my go-to when I want to go for a healthy living kind of thing, haha. So yes, I`m already on my third day and I`m totally rocking this diet. I`m so proud of myself for controlling my meat cravings, haha! Short term diets really don`t work for me, or they do but for only a freaking short time, duh.

Soooooooooooo..I will update you soon on my Pescatarian progress. Ciao!


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