Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Power Adapter

At the middle of watching Lie To Me Season 2 Episode 4 [My current fave], my batt turned red. I tried charging it but batt won't cooperate. Next day, I had it checked and the lady told me that it's totally busted and that I need a new one. So, I bought a new charger for my Coloring Book [Macbook] but I forgot to test it at Apple, Greenbelt. When I got home, I tried it, but it wasn't working. I went back to Apple to replace it but the tech guy just upgraded my firmware, and it worked. Yay. The End. LOL. I spent 4,500 for this freakin charger, and now I'm kinda broke..:( I need to save up so I could buy a new camera :) The real end.


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