Saturday, December 4, 2010

Red Planner

Lacking 2 stickers, yeehaw!
 Spot my annoying blue nails!

 I ♥ Starbucks
I got my SB planner last night with my Babycake. It's so cute.
I chose the red velvetty bound planner.

My perfect cheescake: Cookiedough Cheescake
I want this for my BIRTHDAY!

It's not just some silly old 'pakulo' , it's actually a Planner for a cause :]

I already bought a BDJ 2011 planner but got enticed to getting a Starbucks planner. I originally had no intentions of buying this but I don't know [cause I'm cool, haha], prolly cause I've been collecting SB planners since I was in High School [missed one, last last year's]; plus it's for a good cause. I got super extra excited cause the barrista gave me a limited edition card which already had extra stickers so I could complete it faster. After all the SB Planner hype, the end result is me loathing Christmas Coffee, haha! e.


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