Monday, April 11, 2011

All Day Sushi Buffet Experience at Sakae Sushi

I forgot to bring my baby Damon so I just used "Phone Camera" and instagrm instead. Haha, I`m such a loser.
So we, Yani, Dad, Self, ate at Sakae Sushi cause we wanted to try their All Day Sushi Buffet. When we got there, Yani was measured and he was already above 4 ft so he can no longer avail the 199 Kids buffet, hence, if he still wants the Sushi Buffet, he  should already pay for the adult price of 399 which he did not like [yes we had a small deliberation whether or not he should just go ala carte or still push through with the buffet]. Dad didn`t want to try the Sushi Buffet but instead bought Udon Ramen whatever soupy thing which he enjoyed. And he also ordered bottomless Iced Green Tea which I`m a super fan of [100 Pesos only, bottomless na]. Yani consumed only 2 red plates worth 198 Pesos only. I was the only one who tried the All Day Sushi Buffet. 
The mechanics of the Sushi Buffet and Sushi Ala Carte [Sushis on the conveyor belt] is pretty simple. There are 4 colors of Sushi plates which correspond to different prices [well, duh]. First is the Blue plate which costs 39, then there`s yellow, 59 [I believe], then green worth 79 [or 69?], and lastly 99 for the red plates. OR you can go with the Sushi Buffet, 199 for kids 4'0'' below and for those who are 4'0'' above, irregardless of age, you already are considered at an Adult price of 399. For those who aren`t aware of the difference between Ala Carte and Buffet, I shall briefly explain. Ala Carte means you pay per piece while Buffet means you eat whatever for whatever quantity you can for a fixed price. BUT! You have to finish what you get otherwise if your leftovers add up to 6 small bowls of rice, then you pay for it. How much? I forgot to ask, sorry. So anyway, Their Sushi Buffet comes with bottomless hot or cold Green Tea and Miso Soup, not bad! Production stops at 9pm cause that`s their closing time at Robinsons Place Mall. 
When it comes to Sushi Variation, I think there are more or less 7 kinds of Sushis that I saw moving around. I was too focused on what I can eat, haha! I did not try em all cause some had meat [which I don`t eat] and others just weren`t appetizing enough for me. The first one that I tried was Raw Squid Sushi which tasted funny. The second had a small bowl full of Fried Peppered Tuna and Salmon which was super yummy. The third plate did not leave a mark on my head which means I forgot about it already and that it tasted BLAH to me. My fourth plate was a California Maki plate which was okay. My last plate had raw 2 pcs Salmon Sushi [Still not a fan of Salmon] which I did not like. I only consumed 5 plates worth  a little over 350. Plus I wanted Tamagoyaki, Shrimp, and Tuna Sushi which they did not include in their Sushi Buffet. Oh well. But I drank so much Iced Green Tea which made me SUPER HAPPY. Sheesh, I can consume like a gallon of their Green Tea all day long. I asked about their Green Tea but it was too complicated or the girl was just too lazy to explain. It was, I think, a concoction of different kinds of Green Tea, though I think it tastes more like Chamomile Tea, but I dunno, I`m no Tea expert :) 

The next time that I eat there, I might not get the All Day Sushi Buffet cause sayang. I can`t eat as much as others can. The table beside ours finished like 10 plates or more, WOWZER. I can`t do that! T_T

It would probably be nice and useful if Sakae Sushi had a Sushi guide so their customers won`t just randomly pick. But if that`s their target, then fine. If I were to rate Sakae Sushi overall, i`d give them a 7 out of 10 stars [thank your Iced Green Tea]. 

So there. That`s it :)


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