Friday, April 15, 2011


That water bottle packaging right there is LEGIT. Most of the water bottle designs here in Philippines are, I can`t seem to put it all into words..Uhm, very..traditional?boring?safe? I mean, I understand that people don`t check the label as much as I do, nor do they even care, but wouldn`t it be nicer if they try to reshape and overhaul those bottles and labels?
Gah. As a young designer, I just feel like those who make those labels aren`t putting so much effort in designing the entire packaging of local water bottles. The only water bottle that have greatly caught my attention are those bottles from Republiq [sorry, I can`t find a decent photo].  

But whatever, that`s just my opinion, I`m just saying what I truly feel, bwahaha.

Oh and by the way, I made a signature for my blog :) haha! CIAO!


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