Thursday, April 14, 2011

Taking Things Seriously

I have a month left before we fly to the States. I have been preparing my body for this trip just so I could buy lots of clothes, haha! But that`s a different issue.

My super close friends and I have been chatting since yesterday about weight issues and insecurities. I have a lot of those, would you believe? People love me for who I am irregardless of my flaws and insecurities but I just seriously want to live a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Actually, I eat healthy, except for the sweet stuff which I find hard to control. That, I`ve got to learn. Cake, Ice Cream, Chocolates, Brownies, Goodbye. I have to stick with natural sugar like those from fruits. Gah, I love fruits!!!! Oh and I can eat pala dark chocolate, which I also love. But I have to be super careful.

As I have previously raved about, I have stopped eating pork and beef since February 28, 2011. Approximately 7 weeks now. It`s fine cause I source my protein needs from Fish and Chicken. What i SERIOUSLY AND STRICTLY GOT TO GET RID OF is WHITE RICE. 

I`m not a fan of rice and I can skip it a week straight or even a month but sometimes, I just can`t help it. I try to eat at least half cup to a cup at most. I limit it to that, beyond that, my mouth can no longer and will strongly refuse to ingest or even take in. I guess I should blame my Asian Roots for this because Rice is a household staple of Asian homes, haha. Thai Jasmine Rice, you are so freaking yummy! GRR. 

Aside from STRICT COMPLIANCE OF NO RICE, I just gotta go back to the gym and do all strenuous activities which I enjoy like Swimming, Biking, and Running. Those listed activities burn a lot of calories and fats. I mean, come on, I can`t lose weight by just refraining myself from eating whatever.
I`ve been browsing Tumblr for inspirational photos [like those posted above, which by the way, i got from wherever, probably Tumblr or Thinspiration Photos] and found A LOT of motivational sites  and photos and tips but I NEED TO MOTIVATE MYSELF FIRST. I need a lot of MOTIVATION AND WILL POWER that will inspire me, where can I buy that? Haha. Anyway, I wanna thank Anna Banana for inspiring me to go back to the gym, Babycake for constantly reminding me of how he loves me and how HOT I am, Barbie for just being there for me and not judging me despite my continous emotional meltdowns [well, sort of]. I am definitely lucky to have such amazing friends who support me in whatever it is that I am doing and who reminds me of how BEAUTIFUL I am. Haha, kilig.  

Lastly, I will do my very best to lose weight and attain my goal of living a healthy lifestyle rather than go for short term goals and do diet shortcuts.



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