Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Long & Winding Road

I look shitty in this photo but I FEEL GREAT.

I`ve been busy as hell as usual so I`ve failed to update my blog. Anyway, this is about my way to healthy living. As you all know, I`m already on my 11th or 12th week of no Pork, Beef, and Lamb. I FEEL AWESOME. Just this week, I lost 3 lbs which is a big deal already. Apart from losing weight, I just want to be active again. I`m not pushing myself to lose a significant amount of weight in a month because I know that it would take me more than a month to be fit and healthy. But I take everything a step at a time, the right road to success. 

So, I`ve been frequenting the gym for 2 or 3 weeks already. I am totally addicted to running and swimming, but more of running, haha. My cardio boost is boosting my confidence as well which is awesome. I try to run at least 30 minutes a day at a regular pace but would run as much as possible and as much as I can. I am so happy that I could already go 5 minutes straight on a 7.5 speed. I`m not sure if that`s a weak thing that I could only last 5 minutes straight when it comes to running. I just try to push myself to run run run and breathe breathe breathe. I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF.

What I`ve learned in this whole process of living a healthy lifestyle: There are no shortcuts to ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS. 

You go through a phase wherein you just want it as soon as possible, without lifting a finger which is simply impossible. You would want to pass that stage. So here are a few steps that I recommend if you wanna achieve something but don`t know how to start. The first step is to have a goal, definitely, what do you want to happen, how much do you want to lose, how badly do you want it, how will you do it. You cannot do something if you don`t have a clear goal in mind that you want to achieve. The second stage is to do it. I want to lose weight and be healthy, therefore, I have to exercise regularly and eat at the healthiest way possible. Though i`d rather stay in bed, I have to get off my ass, motivate myself, and just go to the gym.  The third is to surround yourself with people who will motivate you, give you a positive outlook. These people are the kind of people who inspire you to push yourself harder, boost you, and do the best that you can. You would rather be friends with them than be with people who bring you down. Fourth is to do it regularly and try to push yourself further. I started to run at a 7.5 pace for three minutes until I found out that I could push myself to do straight 5. I keep telling myself to push and push harder til I reach an unimaginable length of time. Fifth is to remind yourself why you are doing it, you are doing it FOR YOURSELF, FOR SELF GROWTH, SELF FULFILLMENT. It might sound selfish but you are not doing it for other people or to impress other people. You do it for yourself, you don`t need to please other people, they won`t make you happy, only you can make Y-O-U happy. So those are the steps that I follow on how I try to live my healthy life.

Motivate and Progress :]


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