Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Plane Ride

Greetings! I'm here in San Diego California now staying with my awesome uncle. So far, I'm really enjoying my vacay with my sister. It's gonna be tough cause were gonna travel to different states via plane. I hate plane rides even if the movies are okay! They freaking bore me to death specially looooooooong plane rides like this one..from the Philippines, it took us 3 something to Korea and 9 to Los Angeles..imagine that! The worst part is that they kept feeding us, I mean, I paid for the food and their service is amazeballs but it's hard to eat and digest when your just seated there for Godknowswhen, I tried doing mini exercises but they're still meh! Plus I took naps which weren't comfy, not at all. Oh not that, both my seatmates were as annoying as fuck! Geez. Sorry if I keep on complaining, but, that seriously killed my body..But I'm enjoying my stay here so screw that. Lesson: it pays to be seated in business class :) Should def save up for Euro trip :)

I will try to update this if wifi is available..I'm using my iPhone and iPod for net surfing and the like. It would probably be nicer to blog using an iPad so I'll try blogging there too..

See you later alligator!

Charlotte C.


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