Photos and events not in order
Singapore is my favorite country. I have been there numerous times already [kidding, just 4] but I fall even more in love with the country every time I visit. So this blog is my Singapore Appreciation Post because this place is LEGEN..wait for it..DARY! :]
My very first Singapore trip was with my sister. I was in grade school back then. My not-so-favorite memory of that trip was when I accidentally left our camera in the hotel lobby. How unfortunate and clumsy of me. Sorry ate :( But I think I had fun, I just can`t recall. My second [2007 i think] trip was a disaster, my sister`s phone got snatched. But the trip was a fun one cause I traveled alone. Loner? Not so. But it was a great experience and lesson for me [the travel alone part]. My third time was of EPIC PROPORTIONS, I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW MUCH I STILL, AND WILL FOREVER LOVE THIS THIRD TRIP. This trip was LEGIT, GAH. I`m feeling super happy whenever I remember this trip. It was a school trip that got suspended. We [my batchmates], despite the widespread of bird flu all over asia, all pushed through, haha! I stayed at my sister`s place in Sembawang with my blockmate Miles. Thank you Miles for the tight bond and for making the trip mega fun. Babycake, originally, was supposed to come with us but unfortunately got a refund because of the stupid school memo :( So anyway, we stayed there for like a week. Friends and I enjoyed the trip. Right BEA? :) Thank you Bea for making the trip fun! Sobrang saya lang natin! Plus Aaron and Seph! Gah! I LOVE MY BLOCKMATES!! Vinni, Rain, and Steph, hello! I love you Singapore Friends! Plus, we shopped like it was the end of the world!! I was flat broke afterwards, haha, oh well, it was an AMMMAAAZZZIINNNGGG TRIP! Most of the pictures below are from Singapore 2009 Trip with my Loves :) I can actually blog about it in a different blog because I can narrate everything! I can still remember every single detail of that trip, LEGIT RIGHT? :) My 4th time was now with my nephew, Yani. It was a very long process because I had to get a permit from the Department of Social Welfare and Development Place cause Yani is still a minor travelling with his Aunt and not his parents. I`m super glad that Yani enjoyed his first time abroad.
Sembawang Station, i <3 u
Winter Melon Tea. YUMMY!
Mr. Bean, Sun Plaza, Sembawang - EVERY-DAMN-DAY! What? I love Soymilk and Redbean Pancake!
Local restaus can NEVER beat the real THANG! Hainanese Chicken
Gah, I want this. NOW.
One of the Playgrounds in Sembawang
Meet my friend Miles. We got up at around 4 am I think and rode the bus to Sembawang beach. We got down at the wrong bus stop and decided to walk. We got lost, still, but saw chipmunks on the roadside, caaayyyuuttt! I super enjoyed our beach trip! It was super fun bonding with you Ismael :)
CG Overdrive 2009
One of those funny shots!
Going home time!
First Day in Singapore with Joseph and Sherman
On our way back to Sun Plaza [we look dugyot after our beach trip]
How do I love thee? I cannot count the ways, dami eh. My super awesome sexy friend [one of my closest gal pals in college] BEATRICE. Like Miles, we were inseparable. [follow her]
L-R Yours Truly, Vinni, Seph, Ismael, and Rain
L-R Miles, Beatrice, Charlotte, Jan Vincent, and Joseph Napoleon
June 16, 2009 :]
MCWINGS DINNER!! My favorite!!! :]
Charles and Keith. Clarke Quay with Bea, Miles, Aaron, and Seph
Reverse Bungee: Aaron, Seph, Miles
Sembawang Beach on a Friday Afternoon with Bea and Miles :]
He pushed me :[ Hence, I rode the bus with wet shorts. EMBARASSING. But I think I pushed him too. So we were both soaking wet :]]
Going Home time!
Packing our stuff, MESSY!
Miles and Aaron. I love them! They`re both awesome friends!! Laughtrip all the way!
Last Day in Singapore. We went to Wild Wild Wet. Me, Miles, Ate, and Kuya Tan. We rendezvoused my other cousin there.
Kuya Tan cooked his very special SINIGANG NA CORNED BEEF. [I feel proud that I cooked my very first Sinigang na Corned Beef for my Babycake]
I have so much stories to tell bout my Singapore soujourn but I`ll save it for a different post.