Saturday, March 26, 2011

Summer Trip with Ate

I am now legitly excited for my trip abroad on May with my sister! My sister`s coming home here in the Philippines from Singapore this May cause were going to Obamaland on the same month.

In lieu of the excitement [haha], I am, as early as now, gathering pegs of things to bring for our big trip. We`ll be there for a month so I really need to be meticulous of the things that I will be bringing. I am also seriously saving my 3 months worth of salary for this trip. Dad agreed to pay for my airfare, how generous of him, but my pocket money will all come from my own..well..pocket, which is all good btw.

I just plan to bring these basic items. I`ll just buy other stuff there. I`ll add more once I`ve figured out what other stuff to bring.

Byeeee! :)


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