Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I'm quite picky when it comes to splurge items. I make it a point that I really really really badly want something before I buy it. I have to convince myself 100x if it's worth putting on my "investment" collection. I'm all about buying things that could be passed on to my daughter, haha. I mainly collect bags of all sorts. Branded, unfamiliar, just the good stuff.

Recently, I purchased a blue xl longchamp for travel purposes. I`m not a huge fan of BLUE LONGCHAMP BAGS because everybody wants it and it's just all over the place, literally; but whatever, it was either a blue xl or a brown l, and duh, I ended up buying the blue. I feel bad for my Billabong duffle bag because its so overused already and my new travel bag could give my Billabong a rest.

So anyway, I`ve been searching for the perfect black leather bag with gold embellishments on it for the longest time and found this. I actually saw this on Tumblr and felt butterflies on my tummy the moment I laid eyes on it. This is WHAT I WANT. Where on the face of mother Earth can I buy it. My close friend Bea advised that I could find Coach bags in outlets in the States. I`m really hyped up for our US Trip on May [which I hope pushes through]. I still have 4 months worth of salary to save up. Back to what I was saying, I really really want a black bag. I dunno why. I also like this Black Balenciaga Giant Part Time bag which has silver design on it. 


BALENCIAGA Giant Part Time

Babycake and I have this little imaginary wishlist of things that we want to buy each other for Christmas. I only came up with two things: a black bag, and Toms. I`m having second thoughts about Toms shoes cause like the blue longchamp, everybody has it. Don`t get me wrong, I like the way it looks and how comfy it is, but it`s just not for me. Plus it so gorgeous but my huge calves won`t compliment its gorgeousness, huhu, so unfortunate of me. So he is left with only 1 choice which is a black bag [Charles and Keith is fine]. Well actually, he can give me whatever he pleases to and I`d love it. But honestly, he sucks at buying bags for himself so I`m kinda terrified he`d give me the same ugly bag, hahahaha! Kidding!:p I mean, really, he can just give me whatever and I`d love him even more for whatever that is. Cliche but it`s the thought that counts.

If all else fails, he can just give me cash, hahahaha!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Glee's Hey Soul Sister

Darren Criss is ADORBS <3

Almost Christmas

Christmas is fast approaching and I still haven't shopped for Christmas gifts except for the Gingy Cookies that I gave out last Sunday to my Dazer friends. Gah, I'm so poor.

He looks so cozy. I envy.

I want pumpkin soup.


I grabbed this photo from whoever from tumblr. who is this papable? he absolutely looks gorgeous and fashionably yummy. interchange that. haha :)


It's been a while since I last posted mainly because one, our internet connection here in the office got cut off and two, I don't know what to blab about.




Babycake got his credit card last week and faux treated me to a scrumptious starchy dinner at Bistro Ravioli. I ordered Basil and Feta Ravioli Antipasto [200pesos] which tasted funny. Apparently, what sets them apart from regular Italian-wannabe restaus in town is that their pastas and noodles are made from scratch. Like I give a damn? But the red iced tea [not shown] was awesome, not too sweet and not too bland. I'd rate this restau a 6.5.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This is a really good quote. My other favorite is: My faith is stronger than my fears! :]


Hello! I'm Charlotte! And I've got only 1 eye. Plus my head is floating. haha!

Whole Wheat

I love my Whole Wheat Dinner Rolls for Breakfast 
[I have yet to try Muesli, note: must by later at SNR] 
I recently discovered this while buying my greens for my salad. 
Well actually, I know Molasses from Outback but not this kind. 
I bought this from my local grocery.

A single piece contains 100-115 calories 
which is 30 to 45 more than a regular slice of white bread. 
But I prefer this cause it's fiber rich than a single slice of sugary white bread, haha! 
I pair this with either White Cheese or Tuna. 

Red Planner

Lacking 2 stickers, yeehaw!
 Spot my annoying blue nails!

 I ♥ Starbucks
I got my SB planner last night with my Babycake. It's so cute.
I chose the red velvetty bound planner.

My perfect cheescake: Cookiedough Cheescake
I want this for my BIRTHDAY!

It's not just some silly old 'pakulo' , it's actually a Planner for a cause :]

I already bought a BDJ 2011 planner but got enticed to getting a Starbucks planner. I originally had no intentions of buying this but I don't know [cause I'm cool, haha], prolly cause I've been collecting SB planners since I was in High School [missed one, last last year's]; plus it's for a good cause. I got super extra excited cause the barrista gave me a limited edition card which already had extra stickers so I could complete it faster. After all the SB Planner hype, the end result is me loathing Christmas Coffee, haha! e.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Naked::Juice Bar

Naked::Juice Bar 4th Flr Midtown, Robinsons Place Manila

Fresh Fruits :)

My favorite: Burn Baby Burn [Fat burner, banana, pineapple, coconut milk, yogurt] 
This is soooooo yummy and refreshing.

My shake with Sour Cream Tofu Chips :]

This juice bar is awsam. I'm so sick and tired of always drinking coffee and tea so this is a perfect fix for my healthy drink cravings. I love juice cause it's soo refreshing and cooling. I love love love love loveeeet!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hainanese Chicken Rice

I want this right now, Hainanese Chicken Rice. Gah. This is soooo yummy :(

Power Adapter

At the middle of watching Lie To Me Season 2 Episode 4 [My current fave], my batt turned red. I tried charging it but batt won't cooperate. Next day, I had it checked and the lady told me that it's totally busted and that I need a new one. So, I bought a new charger for my Coloring Book [Macbook] but I forgot to test it at Apple, Greenbelt. When I got home, I tried it, but it wasn't working. I went back to Apple to replace it but the tech guy just upgraded my firmware, and it worked. Yay. The End. LOL. I spent 4,500 for this freakin charger, and now I'm kinda broke..:( I need to save up so I could buy a new camera :) The real end.

Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry

Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry

Garlic, minced
1 Onion, shredded
1/2 Carrot, julienned
1/2 Zucchini, sliced
1/2 c fried Tofu
1 head of Broccoli
1/2 c Oyster Mushroom
1 small Chicken Breast, diced
1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
2 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
1 tsp brown sugar
Salt and Pepper to taste

Fry Tofu. Set aside.

Sautee Garlic and Onion. Add Carrots. Add Oyster Mushroom.

Add Broccoli.

Add Zucchini.

Fry Chicken til almost golden brown in color.

Add fried Tofu. Add Oyster Sauce, Light Soy Sauce, and Brown Sugar. Season with Salt and Pepper. Stir Fry.

Voila! Tofu and Veggie Stir Fry ready to serve. Serve on top of Rice or as is. Good for 2-3 servings.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Healthy Options

I'm totally in love with Healthy Options Store. I've been looking for Couscous for the longest time and I found it here. I also bought an almond snack pack which is my preferred snack, haha! This is food store heaven for me cause I'm a health buff [I'm cool like that, LOL]. It feels good to be able to eat healthy and natural food than my usual fast food [eck]. Don't get me wrong, I really love my fast food but it's just that I don't want to consume it everyday, not cool.

As I was saying, I'm diggin' this store. They sell everything healthy that  they don't normally sell in local groceries. This is awesome, I cannot stress enough just how much love I have for this store. I love love love love love ettt! Try visiting a Healthy Options store, you won't be disappointed.

Okay, gotta work now, bye!

Monday, November 29, 2010


(My Hair)

(But I want THIS)

(Geez, THIS too)

I've always been obsessed with my hair. I've experimented on a lot of things that temporarily worked for my locks, grow, cut, color, treat. I gave into the hype of "treatments" and whatnot and done shitload of bad stuff to it that I now regret. Whatever, it's all in the past, I'm leaving it all behind. But, I'm still in the process of "experimenting" on a nice hair color which is pretty nasty. I've gotten used to a mixture of reds and browns for my hair. I'm loving it, I personally feel awesome whenever I see my new hair color, haha. Anyway, my focus now is on how to rehabilitate my colored hair and make it healthier.

I'm happy that my hair's thicker and healthier now. I stopped wasting money on treatments that nearly killed my hair. Instead, I eat healthier, drink tons of water, moisturize my hair most especially the roots, as much as possible avoid hot tools, and air dry it than use blowdryer. Aside from those I've mentioned already, I'm gonna list down tips and do's and dont's when it comes to hair care.

1. Invest in a good haircut. I remember cutting my hair really short just because the guy who was supposed to "trim" it cut it too short for my liking. But, I noticed later on that my hair was growing thicker, healthier, and split ends were gone. Plus, it wasn't hard to maintain since it was already healthy.
2. Use the correct products. Just because Eva Longoria uses it, doesn't mean it's applicable to your hair type. Make sure that the products you use are suited and designed for your specific hair type.
3. As much as possible, dry hair naturally. Using a towel, gently pat hair to remove excess water instead or rubbing it hard.
4. Trim hair every 4 to 6 week at least.

1. Brush hair when it's still wet. Hair is at its weakest when it's still wet. Instead of using a brush for wet hair, use a wide-toothed comb to untangle and remove excess water from hair. Start brushing from roots to scalp.
2. Overexpose hair to heat/sunlight. 
3. Tie hair too tightly. It cause hair shaft to stretch, break, and split.

1. Instead of expensive salon treatments, use coconut oil to get vibrant hair, strengthen, and give your locks a boost.
2. I don't directly shampoo my roots. I only shampoo my scalp. I let excess shampoo just go down on its own. But I do use conditioner on my roots than my scalp since my hair is naturally icky and oily. I just use the excess conditioner for my scalp. haha!

So, that's it for now. I shall see you on my next blog post.

Ta-ta for now!