Thursday, January 27, 2011


Mom bought me a nude lipstick from Mac, Creme De Nude, and i wore it under my other sort of pinkish nude lipstick and with smokey eyes. This is what it looks like all together. I sort of look like a gay dude here, which is kinda funny. But, oohllala my skin looks dewy, I like! I`ve got a nice pair of light brown eyes, haha. That`s it :p I dunno what to blog! sheesh!


1- Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend? Describe him/her. 
Mark Bryan Saclolo Sison. He`s 5'7'' i think, loves to play basketball, loves to shop with me, loves to treat me to random fun places, loves meeee so much! He is charming and overflowingly funny and witty. He`s super smart, yes he is! He is a good friend, trustworthy, and dependable. He`s sweet and crazy. He`s an extrovert type of guy, easy to get along with. Would go the distance (like literally) just to see me. Bryan is simply AWESOME :) 

2 - Post a picture of the both of you.
Frosh Babies :) It started when we were younger you were mine, haha!

3 - What do you like most about them?

He`s a good listener and a good conversationalist and really funny. 

4 - How long have you been dating?

5 - How did you meet?
Blockmates in college :)

6 - What’s your favorite memory about them?

7 - What’s your least favorite memory about them?
He broke my heart :(

8 - What was your last fight about?
He kept on pestering me, haha!

9 - How long do you see you and your boyfriend/girlfriend being together?
Forever is just too cheesy.

10 - Do you own anything of theirs?

11 - What’s the best gift they have ever given you?
A BAG >:)

12 - What’s the worst gift they have ever given you?

13 - What’s the last gift you gave them?

Topshop Shirts ;)

14 - Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend have a “song”? If so, what is it?

BEST I EVER HAD - Drake :)

15 - Write a letter to them.

This is stupid. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Matcha Green Tea Ice Blended


i wore
crisp white shirt from people are people, dress shorts from cotton on, and american eagle black flats

for breakfast
I went to The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf

I also wore my blue blazer


absolute yummyness! i prefer this over Starbucks Green Tea Frap
Large Matcha Green Tea Ice Blended

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let`s runaway and don`t ever look back

With my fluffy luffluffkins Babycake

2011-2012 Plans

Barbie`s off to Med school, I on the other hand will try my luck in Business school. 

I have already mapped out my activities for 2011. First is my back to school plans. Dad and I both agreed that I will be going back to school this year and I am thankful that both courses are diploma courses, yes! in a span of 10 months. The first diploma course is a business course in DLSU which can be taken in a span of 1-2 months. The other, which is Culinary Arts in Global something school Academy can be taken in 8 months. Imagine, 2 diplomas [my 2nd and 3rd] in less than a year, that is LEGENDARY, seriously, that is AWESOME. Then, I already have vacations plans for May and hopefully September. I`m keeping my fingers crossed that both US with Ate and Boracay with Blockmates would push through because I`m really looking forward to travelling this year. I`m starting to save already so I could shop and shop and shop. Travelling and shopping is super duper awesome! I`m also looking forward to opening our business soon. It`s called Bakedpops. Sister and I have already started making and will soon be distributing to various places. I`m excited. 

I`m really happy today, haha! BTW, I got my paycheck already, and though dad still owes me, I`m happy that he partially paid already, whooppeeedoo! :)

I have to go now, I`m meeting babycake in RP for dinner, yay MEXICAN! :]

New Blog Layout

I`m loving my new blog layout! Geez..thank you google for adding more fonts..I`m digging Homemade Apple and Reenie Beanie. But I forgot the other font that I used here, haha.


Happy Birthday Xtian


What I Wore

What I Wore 01.25.11
Cotton On Grey Cardigan
HerBench Purple Vneck Tee (long)
My hair in a bun
White Brasil Havaianas
My usual gold necklace
My favorite black C&K bag 

I try not to wear flip-flops to work because this is a formal environment but today was an exception. It`s so comfy! Oh and I can`t seem to find my favorite black ballet flats, boohoo.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Food and Travel

Such poor resolution. I`m sorry, I just print screened this from my phone because I cannot find the tumblr photo in my external HD. I cannot wait to go to the states and eat food like this and just travel, ahh the life. My Ate and I are going to the States this May. I`m excited for out sister bonding trip.

Food and Travel are my two favorite words because they come hand in hand. As you guys know, I love to travel. Travelling is a huge part of my lifestyle [I`m expensive like that]. I love to travel to different places, countries, but I`d seriously love to go to: France [2012 perhaps], Italy [My honeymoon place], India, Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, Japan, Switzerland, United Kingdom, wherever. I love to explore the unknown and listen to people talk in their native language, ahh music to my ear. I`d love to travel and eat and check out Food that would tickle my palate. I`d be kilig to see stamps of different countries on my passport. To date, I`ve only been to Asian countries: Singapore, Hong Kong, China, and Malaysia. I would love to experience long flights [iPod playing my favorite mellow yellow tunes], the kind that hurts the butt, haha. I can travel alone and get lost in a place and appreciate that place even more [but of course its much better to travel with a buddy than alone, believe me, I`ve been there]. So I will post pictures of my Singapore travels [on my next post] because I`ve been there for like 4 times already. There.

Speaking of food, I`m having dinner with a few good college buds of mine. My best friend Erika`s picking me up here at the office and we`ll be heading straight to Greenbelt. I think it`s gonna be couples night tonight, Girls and Boys with their partners, haha. Idunno, I`m excited to see them and once again, reminisce funny college memories and professors. Gah, I love my block: DV1. So, I have to go and put my make up on, ciao!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I`ve been employed for about 1/2 a year already. I work for my dad / our own company, sorry ha! So anyway, my dad is paying me fairly [same as my fellow 106 mma graduates' income i believe], no bias naman, but what`s REALLY INTERESTING is that despite my monthly salary, I still have NO MONEY IN MY BANK. My dad owes me 4 weeks worth but compared to what I have been spending, it `s no biggie.

My honest explanation [or excuse] is that I`m still in my "GREEDY STAGE". I made a list of things that I should invest on. Random "pretty INVESTMENTS" that I think I need. I spend money on my food, my vegetables -- that most of the time keep me "healthy". I buy my own toiletries and vanity things. Other times, I buy for my nephew, my sister, and my babycake. I`m very generous when it comes to people I LOVE THE MOST, but just the chosen few. I BUY A LOT OF STUFF AND IT`S GREATLY HURTING MY ACCOUNT. Note to self: explain thoroughly and set limitations to the term "investment".

I`ve been reading this local book called "Wealth within your Reach: Pera Mo, Palaguin Mo!" by Francisco J. Colayco. I`m still on the 5th chapter of the book and already, I`ve somewhat assessed my "WEALTH". But what is wealth? I will quote below the true meaning of wealth and some important notes.

1. "Wealth does not necessarily mean having millions and millions of pesos. Being wealthy simply means having the financial resources to support your chosen lifestyle."

2."Wealth is really a condition where your present financial resources can support your lifestyle over a long period of time even if you do not work to generate income."

3."Wealth is also based on how much time you have left in this world...You are wealthy enough if you had financial assets good to support your lifestyle for *number here before retirement*."

In one chapter, which I forgot, clearly explained why my money vanished in a jiffy. So here`s why [let me quote Mr. Colayco]:

1."We do not make personal financial plans. Often we make spur-of-the-moment spending decisions, without considering how these decision would impact  on our financial future."


2."...It was certainly not their intention to lose their money. They were just unprepared for sudden abundance. They had no real appreciation of and much less preparation for money management."

It also discussed two kinds of income, active and passive. I`m still in my active income stage, I use my main money for whatever when I should be using my passive income for my "luhos". Sadly, I have yet to invest my money on things that could double or triple or add up to the current value of my money. I still have to check my account so my money could generate on its own. 

I`ve already computed my money for the month of 2011 including my pocket money for my trips abroad and local trips with friends, that is if I don`t spend as much as I used to, and it should be around 200+K i believe. I am not bragging because I still have to pay my dad for the ultimate gadgets that I`m gonna purchase by end of Jan and February. 200K is just a rough estimate.

So in conclusion, I still don`t have a formal list of my personal finances and to buy things which I should start doing. I should also be fixing my disbursements and noting everything most especially the big ones. Keeping my fingers crossed that my money would grow this year.

...Success, Failure, Success..this is the pattern.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

French Toast

I love my French Toast! :]

4 slices of bread
4 eggs
about 1/2 a cup to 1 cup of Milk
Teaspoon of Sugar [optional]
Teaspoon of Salt [optional]
1 tsp Vanilla
Powdered Sugar [optional]
Maple Syrup
Butter [optional]

Break eggs in a wide shallow bowl. Beat lightly with a fork. Add Milk and Vanilla. Soak bread in Egg and Milk mixture until coated very well. Don`t leave the bread in the mixture for too long cause it will become too soggy [at least for me]. Turn to coat the other side. I do the coating of slices one at a time.

You can either use butter or oil for this but I prefer oil. I just cook the coated bread in a skillet. Turn when side turns light brown or golden brown, depending on your preference.

Serve with butter [optional but makes it creamier and calorie heavy] and powdered suger or maple syrup. Top with preferred fruits. 


Sakura Matcha KitKat

Cherry Blossom - Green Tea KitKat, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.

a better picture from GOOGLE

my "artsy fartsy" shot

Jealous Much

I want 

her really nice tummy

her gorgeous hair

her bathroom

Her color

Her dewy and flawless skin and her bod

her...she's really pretty

strong legs

her shiny locks

her cuteness her dimples

her sexyness

her height and shades

I just want him, period.

Monday, January 10, 2011


I dragged my dad all the way to Greenbelt 5 to buy my sister a gift for her birthday on the 15th. I ended up giving it to her as soon as I got home, haha. I couldn`t help it. I got super excited for her. So anyway, I bought my sister a Pandora charm as a birthday present. I couldn`t think of any other perfect present for her. She`s been collecting these charms for quite some time now. I`m glad my sister loveddddd it! I`ve got the best sister in the whole wide world. She`s my ally in everything. You`re the best, ate! I love you forever!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Office Space

My workplace! This is where I work :) I make sure that it`s clean and organized.

I made a little sampayan over there, haha.

my desktop

a nice quote that I posted

Sorry babe that I posted this. Ian SMOLDERhalder :)

the calendar that I designed with a nice quote at the bottom of the page. 

my bread and butter and paper, joke lang! CV Transmittal Work, I work on these babies every single day :)

Kiss Me

These are my favorite lipshades.  They`re really gorgeous colors [duh, that`s why I bought it]. I want to try a different brand though. I want a Chanel or YSL lipstick :') I wanna try Bobbi Brown too. What I wear depends on my mood and my outfit, haha!

Mac - Revlon - Revlon

Revlon Crimson [Seriously LONG LASTING], Revlon Blush, Mac Pretty Please

Nude-Pink-ish color

Bloody Red color

I dunno how to describe the color but it`s gorgeous

Pho Hoa Dinner

Babe and I ate dinner last night at my favorite Noodle Soup House: Pho Hoa. It's uberly yummy and affordable, what more could I ask for? BTW, I quit my diet fad. 

add: lemon and bean sprouts

optional: hot chili sauce


My noodles

while we were waiting for our noodles to come, i browsed his 2 day old Starbucks planner. Oh BTW, he got his Silver Planner last Wednesday :) I gave him extra stickers, haha [or transfered]

this is too sweet.

sorry, I forgot to rotate. I pasted this the day he got his planner. I`m a huge fan of Alessandra Ambrosio so I told him that "hope this reminds you of me" hahahahaha :)

I left him a note dated Friday: January 07. I`m fond of doodling people`s things, haha