Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011-2012 Plans

Barbie`s off to Med school, I on the other hand will try my luck in Business school. 

I have already mapped out my activities for 2011. First is my back to school plans. Dad and I both agreed that I will be going back to school this year and I am thankful that both courses are diploma courses, yes! in a span of 10 months. The first diploma course is a business course in DLSU which can be taken in a span of 1-2 months. The other, which is Culinary Arts in Global something school Academy can be taken in 8 months. Imagine, 2 diplomas [my 2nd and 3rd] in less than a year, that is LEGENDARY, seriously, that is AWESOME. Then, I already have vacations plans for May and hopefully September. I`m keeping my fingers crossed that both US with Ate and Boracay with Blockmates would push through because I`m really looking forward to travelling this year. I`m starting to save already so I could shop and shop and shop. Travelling and shopping is super duper awesome! I`m also looking forward to opening our business soon. It`s called Bakedpops. Sister and I have already started making and will soon be distributing to various places. I`m excited. 

I`m really happy today, haha! BTW, I got my paycheck already, and though dad still owes me, I`m happy that he partially paid already, whooppeeedoo! :)

I have to go now, I`m meeting babycake in RP for dinner, yay MEXICAN! :]


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