Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cleansing The System

Happy New Year! 

I just got back from a lovely vacation at the province, a place where I could chill, something that could make me unwind and get away from the fast paced, hustle and bustle of city life.

I stayed over at my brother & sister's house [their houses are separated by a terrace, haha] after Christmas. I gained a pound or two over the holiday season which is normal since I was bombarded with A LOT OF FOOD, and I am not exaggerating when I say a lot. So, as a part of a new year, new body shenanigan, I`ve decided to not just loose then extra pounds but also cleanse my digestive system [how overrated]. I`m such a hypocrite for doing this but the main point of this diet is to [this is the perfect word] KICK-START MY METABOLISM. 

So, I`m on a not-so-strict diet that requires me to drink 10 glasses of water. The main purpose is to cleanse my system of impurities and whatnot. My first day was mainly composed of fruits while my second required all veggies. And of course, I cheated twice [shame on me], and I could care less because I still feel lighter which is a good sign and indication that my body is indeed adjusting and cleansing. I should probably thank the main culprit, H20. I`ve chugged down at least 6 glasses of water which I don`t normally drink, plus the water contents of the fruits and veggies that I consumed. This is crazy but effective. As of now, I have no plans of checking my weight, I don`t want to be all oc bout it cause I do regularly check it. But this time, I would resist the temptation of checking my weight.

It just sucks that I have to pee all the time. 


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