Friday, March 4, 2011

Body Issues

Aiming for the body of the girl on the left side. The other girl is WAY TOO SKINNY. It`s freaking me out. I just want a body that`s JUST RIGHT. I don`t need to be skeleton thin, so not healthy.

Anyway, I`m still on my NO-MEAT diet except that I ate chicken already, haha! but it`s been like what? 3 weeks and still no beef and pork on my tummy! Yay!! I`m gonna drop the chicken part this week and continue my pescatarian diet. Pescatarians only eat fish, fruits, and vegetables! That`s the easy part. The hard part is on how to little by little eliminate decrease my sweet tooth cravings! I love sweet stuff! As much as possible, I stick with the "healthy" sweet stuff like FRUITS and DARK CHOCOLATE. Gah.

I am actually loosing weight. I can feel it. But when I saw last night`s pictures, baka hindi, baka guni-guni ko lang, haha! But it`s okay. I am not trying to loose weight fast, it takes time to loose weight and I just have to be patient about it. So anyhow, I really have to couple my eating habits with exercise to make my healthy living even more effective. 

I shall soon post Pescatarian variants of normal yummy dishes :)

Byeeee! :)

1 comment:

  1. But Cha, don't you have the body you're aiming for na? :O;-)
